By kind permission of the Stephenson and Wardle families
On Sunday, 23 April 2023 the VYWRC held their Puppy, Veteran and Novice Tests at Gally Gap Farm, Westow by the very kind permission of the Stephenson and Wardle families.
The day started tentatively with the threat of pretty grim weather but thankfully as the day proceeded the weather improved with sunshine making an appearance later in the day!
With the prospect of a long day ahead we started with the Puppy and Veteran Tests which ran alongside each other rather well thanks to our lovely and well organised lady judging team of Sue Hales-Lowe (A3173), Samantha Whyte (NP3737), Julie Campell (NP) and Helen Smith (NP). It was lovely to have a variety of tests which encouraged puppies and challenged veterans alike over beautiful undulating pasture.
Huge congratulations to those in awards which were as follows:
1st Tideflow Endless Love handled by Steve Townsend
2nd Haguehall Glory handled by Stephen Probert
3rd Maplecrest Resolute handled by Charlotte Brown
4th Feugera Shotgun handled by Lucy Eggleston
COM Newwood Rosefinch handled by Sol Pullen
COM Brisingamen Arthur handled by Matthew Shetliffe
COM Alan Bowden handled by Moonlight Sparkles

1st Weststall Simba handled by Alan Lord
2nd Isle of Man Christen handled by Steve Townsend
3rd Ettinsmoor Ringmaster handled by Lucy Eggleston
4th Annsfarm Woodland Sprite of Wheldrake handled by Andrew Coates
COM Marie’s Olympic Dynamite handled by Bob Bowes
COM Cherryb Lady handled by Penny Marriner

Following a break for lunch the Novice test commenced in the afternoon with around 50 dogs taking part. Again, four well thought out tests designed by the judges tested both dogs and handlers alike in a variety of ways. Following a count-up of scores we finished with a runoff between three competitors for 3rd, 4th & COM
Congratulations to all in the awards which were as follows:
1st Magical Magi Ann handled by Wendy Donovan
2nd Lynesykes Black Orchid handled by Teresa Middlewood
3rd Osulf Riley handled by Nick Massingham
4th Allerthorpe Lady in Pink handled by Sarah Louise White
COM Dallagill Islay handled by Jane Duffy
COM Dallagill Woodlark handled by Jane Duffy

As always, special thanks to all the dummy throwers and placers who offered their time to help in the morning and/ or afternoon – it is greatly appreciated – we cannot do it without you. To the stewards who kept the tests running smoothly, allowing our judges to get through such a large field of dogs and handlers in a timely fashion.
Thanks again to our Hosts – Mr and Mrs Stephenson and their family – for their kind and generous help in organising the day – the proceeds of the raffle went to St John’s Church, Howsham. To our line-up of lovely lady Judges who gave their time so freely - dummy throwers, stewards, competitors, spectators and of course our dogs – THANK YOU

Thanks also to our Sponsors – Skinners Pet Foods and GundogTV.
We sincerely hope all that attended Gally Gap Farm enjoyed their day. On a personal note, I enjoyed myself immensely - a smashing day with lovely folk in super surroundings.
I must just give extra special thanks to Matt Jenkinson for his help right at the end of the day when my truck decided not to start - in the end having to be towed off …..I would have still been there had he not been!!
Looking forward to welcoming you all to our next test at Fimber on Sunday, 21 May 2023 for Open dogs.
Thanks again
Lucy Eggleston
Working Test Secretary