SATURDAY 18TH DECEMBER 2021 - WESTERDALE By kind invitation of Mr & Mrs Richard Findlay and members of the Westerdale Shooting Syndicate Trainers : Glynn Coupar & Cath Kitching
Junior Handler Report by Jane Jacob
Driving through thick fog on the way to Westerdale it looked most unpromising but just above Rosedale, the fog lifted to reveal the most glorious day - bright sunshine and blue sky. The weather continued to be good for the rest of the day.
We had five participants and seven dogs for our Junior Training Day all of whom performed to a very high standard. There were a good number of birds and the guns shot extremely well so the Juniors had plenty of retrieves. Glyn Coupar and Cath Kitching, our trainers, were hard pushed to decide who should have what award! In the end all five contestants received an award that reflected their particular achievements.
A good time was had by all and it was so nice to have such a warm day in December. A very big thank you goes to Richard Findlay and the Westerdale Shooting Syndicate and also to Glyn and Cath plus the guns and all the others who helped.